Investigate pros and cons of each type of surveillance, writing homework help

1) A good investigator will know the pros and cons of each type of surveillance, and is able to apply the appropriate surveillance technique to specific crimes. This Investigate! assignment will explore the use of surveillance, undercover agents, and how each can help prove the crime of conspiracy. Answer each question in 3 -5 sentences.

Describe in detail either physical or electronic surveillance.

2) Describe how surveillance in general can help prove a conspiracy.

3)Discuss the role of the undercover agent

4)Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using an undercover agent ininvestigation

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The Ethics of Workplace Privacy

This project provides an opportunity to apply the framework for Legal and Ethical practices for a Human Resource Manager to a scenario-based case. The project examines how Human Resource Managers help an organization meet their goals and objectives by applying Legal and Ethical foundations to a specific application. In each module, you complete a component of the project that ultimately provides you with an opportunity to make recommendations to the organization regarding their goals and objectives.

ACME Company, Inc.

  • ACME Company, Inc. is a medium-sized company in the cosmetic industry and is based in Arizona. The company originally began in 1992 by a brother and sister team, Paul and Mary. Ten years later, Paul and Mary incorporated the company and went public. They hired new executive leadership so Paul could focus on innovation and Mary could focus on being the Human Resource Manager. Since that time, they have grown from a small business to a medium-sized company with 750 employees. Paul and Mary started the company with strong family values, such as working together as one team, looking after each other, and valuing each individual employee. By 2015, they noticed some of those values “slipping” as new executive leadership has come on board to help run the company.
  • ACME Company, Inc. is facing a major decision – to move into the 21st Century or maintain the status quo. Paul and Mary started the company with family values but have a desire to innovate and grow. Mary became the HRM when they incorporated and Paul became head of Research & Development. The new executive leadership does not share their same values, and, is questioning the need for a budget for Research & Development since the company is already so successful and a major market leader. Paul and Mary, though, want to continue to be innovative and grow.


Part of ACME’s ability to grow and be innovative involves the use of the latest technology. As the Human Resource Manager, Mary knows there are implications to allowing the employees “free reign” of company property. However, the executive leadership is not worried. Remember, the company has 750 employees.

For this project assignment on ACME Company, Inc. complete a minimum of 4 pages that addresses the following concepts:

  • The issues the company faces if Mary cannot institute a workplace privacy policy.
  • The ethical challenges associated with executive leadership, Mary, and the employees.
  • The consequences associated with the organization’s culture and objectives, from an HRM perspective.
  • The best way for Mary to convince executive leadership that it’s the ethical decision to make, with respect to workplace privacy.

Make sure to include an APA formatted title page and reference page for sources that you may have used for your research. Remember to follow APA guidelines for in-text citations when paraphrasing or quoting information.

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What is ethical theory?

View Problem Scenario A to learn more about Bill and Joe’s relationship.

Joe has scheduled a meeting with his management team for next week to talk about the Peninsula Hotel chain contract. He hopes that he will be able to work with them to draft a contract favorable to Peninsula that will ensure its renewal for another year. He is reasonably sure that the contract renewal will ensure his continued success and employment with UWEAR.

On his way out of the office today, Joe receives a call from Bill.

Bill: “Joe, how are you doing? Got any great plans for the weekend?”

Joe: “No, my wife and I are just planning on hanging out at home and relaxing. How about you?”

Bill: “My family and I are planning a short trip on the yacht. We haven’t been out in a while, and the weather looks perfect. Maybe you and your wife could join us? We haven’t seen you guys in quite a while, and it will be good to catch up.”

Joe is relieved to get the invitation from Bill because their relationship has been strained lately because of the contract negotiations.

Joe must decide how he will answer Bill’s invitation to join him and his family on their yacht. Complete the following in a paper of 500–700 words, excluding cover and reference pages.

Part I:

Address the following:

  • Apply the rational choice model to arrive at your recommendation for Joe regarding his response to the invitation to spend the weekend on Bill’s yacht.
  • In what ways do you agree or disagree with the result of applying the rational choice model?

Part II:

  • What ethical theory supports the response to this invitation that you recommend to Joe?
  • Why would you use this theory?
  • What is an alternative recommendation, applying a different ethical theory?
  • Compare and contrast your recommendation with the alternative.


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What is a literacy narrative, writing homework help

What is a literacy narrative? It is a personal story about a significant experience that has to do with your literacy development. For the purpose of this essay, you should stick with a fairly narrow definition of literacy that focuses on your personal reading and/or writing experiences.

To make an effective essay from one of your personal literacy experiences, you must not only tell the story but also explain how and why it was an important moment both in your literacy development and your life. What did you learn from this experience? How did it help you change and grow? What can you say about this experience that will help others to identify with it or learn from it?

Sample literacy narrative essay topics and thesis statement

For your narrative essay, you will need to reflect on how personal experiences have shaped your literacy development. “Literacy” refers to reading and writing for the purpose of acquiring knowledge. You will choose from one of the following topics:

  • Narrate an experience you had with a writing or reading task that you found (or still find) difficult or challenging. Explain the significance of this experience.
  • Describe an important moment or event in your literacy development. Explain the significance of this event.
  • Narrate a time when your literacy skills have helped you achieve a personal goal or accomplishment. Explain the significance of this accomplishment.
  • Describe a time when you have used reading or writing to learn in an environment other than the classroom. Explain the significance of this event.

As you decide on a topic, think about which one would allow you to make a larger point. In other words, in addition to describing one of these moments or events and telling a story, you want to explore how it has impacted you on a greater scale. Ask yourself: are there additional life lesson(s) that I learned along the way? The answer to that question could lay the groundwork for your thesis statement.

Here is an example of a thesis statement for a narrative essay that describes the writer’s experience of using literacy skills to achieve a goal:

When I set out to save a historical grist mill in my community that was slated for demolition, I learned how valuable my writing skills could be. My letters to the local newspaper got the attention of community leaders and turned the tide of public opinion about the mill’s value, and the grant I wrote raised money for a restoration project.

The first paragraph of your paper, the introduction, should grab the reader’s attention, provide general background information on the topic you are addressing, and conclude with your thesis statement. Consider the following outline for the introduction:

A. Attention Getter: First, pique your reader’s interest by identifying the important literacy moment for your reader.

B. Background and Context: Then, provide details that set the scene for the reader so s/he will understand why the moment was important.

C. Thesis: Finally, end your introduction with your thesis statement. Your thesis will have a claim that explains the importance of your particular literacy moment and 2-4 points of support that explain why it was significant. These 2-4 points of support will be developed in the body of your essay.

The template below is a useful one for a literacy narrative thesis:

______________________ is one of the most important moments in my literacy development because ____________, ________________, and _________________.

Body paragraphs

In the body of the essay, the writer will explore each of the three supporting points (how she used writing to get the attention of community leaders, how she used writing to affect public opinion, and how her writing skills helped her get funding for a project she believed in).

The paragraph following the introduction should begin with a clear topic sentence that introduces the first supporting point presented in the thesis statement. Make sure each thesis point is developed into at least one body paragraph of your essay.


In the conclusion, you should include your thesis statement and a 1-2 sentence summary of each of the points discussed in the paper.

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Article Reading and Short Essay about Myth

Read the first part of the article “Culture and the Self: Implications for Cognition, Emotion and Motivation”, up to and including page 230 and answer the following questions:

How might a differing concept of the self impact the nature of the hero in Eastern (or African/South American) cultures vs Western? Can we still use models such as Jung’s process of individuation and Campbell’s hero’s journey to describe the ideal path taken by the hero or “dreamer” when discussing films like Hero? (500 words)

Please note that any outside source is not available. Everything is in the article. Please don’t skim through it. You need to read the article to answer the question.. Article is attached.

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the philosophies of education, Edu100 Week 2 Discussion 1 Response C.G. help

Review the philosophies of education that your classmates chose and write a minimum 150-word response to at least two of them.  Comment on whether you agree or disagree with their philosophies of education and their rational for them.  Suggest additional ways in which the theories they have chosen could be applied to educational environments.

My personal philosophy of education started when my son was diagnosed with Autism. It was then that I became you could say obsessed with how I was going to teach my child in a way that he will understand, and learn. I then started to work as an EA for kindergarten through second grade in a site based classroom. It amazed me how every child had their own unique way of retaining information and being motivated to do so.  That is why I chose the following two learning theories:

ConfucianismConfucius(551479BCE)isinmanyculturesregardedastheworld’sforemostandgreatestphilosopher.Confucius’steachings,asourceof perennialgoodsense,encouragepeopletoleadgoodlivesbydoingwhatisright.Atsometimeinyourpreserviceteachereducationcourseworkandduringin serviceprofessionaldevelopmentyouwillnodoubtseeorhearoneofConfucius’smanyaxioms.Oneofthemostfrequentlydisplayedis,“Ihear,Iknow.Isee,Iremember.Ido,Iunderstand.”Hereisanother:“Ifyouthinkintermsofayear,plantaseed;ifin termsoftenyears,planttrees;ifintermsof100years,teachthepeople.” Confuciustaughtthattherearethreemethodstogainingwisdom. Thefirstisreflection,whichisthehighest.Thesecondisimitation,whichistheeasiest. Thethirdisexperience,whichisthebitterest.As a teachereducationcandidate,youwillhavetheopportunitytouseall threemethodstogainwisdom. (chp. 7) (Hall, G.E., Quinn, L.F., & Gollnick, D.M. (2014). Introduction to teaching: Making a difference in student learning ).


Eachofthesetheoristsbelievedthatbehaviorcanbemodified,controlled,ordirectedwhenspecificstimuliarepresentorwhenabehaviorisrewardedordepressed.Behaviormodificationpractices are widelyusedinclassroomstodaythataffectinstructionalpracticesandclassroom managementstrategies. (chp. 7) (Hall, G.E., Quinn, L.F., & Gollnick, D.M. (2014). Introduction to teaching: Making a difference in student learning ).

I believe when working with special needs children there are strategies that work great for some and not for others. For example, we would have a penny board, it came with five pennies that would stick to the slots on the board. For every good behavior the child would receive a penny, after five pennies the child would then receive an award, like a sticker, or stamp etc. This went over well with most of the kids, but there was a handful that could care less about the penny board. That is when we had to use things of personal interest. A little girl loved the movie Frozen, so we made little Frozen cut outs and would let her color them at free time if she behaved and did her work. At the end of the day all the children were learning and not only school work but behaviorally too. That was the goal. To teach these children not only how to do their school work, but also teach them lessons for life.

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Research Methods and Statistics, writing assignment help

      Please respond in 50 words or more to this post.      

     The testing of hypothesis allows for the use of assumptions about the variables that are being used when it comes to its distribution. The assumptions are considered when the test is chosen and in the interpretation of data. The z test assumes that the distribution of data is normal and that the sampling of data is independent. The z test strength is quite high especially where the size of the sample is big. The test is used in the determination of whether the mean of two populations is different where the sample used in big and the variance is identified (Sherri, 2015). For accuracy in the calculation of the test, the standard deviation of the group should be known.

      In testing of the hypothesis of the two populations both the alternative and the null should be indicated that helps in making conclusive results. Where the standard deviation of the sample is identified, then assumption that the variance of the population and the variance of the sample are equal is concluded. The importance of the z test is placed in the ability to determine the variables used in predicting the outcome of a regression analysis and analysis in profit that helps in effecting the responses that one expects. When the null hypothesis is used, it is concluded that there is significance of the predictor variable. Another importance is placed on the testing of Poisson rates and proportion tests where the z-test is used in approximation of the variables. The validity of the approximations is when the size of the sample is large and numerous events are expected. The standard deviations s1 and s2 is used where σ1 and σ2 are not known and when one assumes that the normal distribution is present (Parkinson, 2013).


Sherri L., J. (2015)Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach. Cengage  Learning

Parkinson, M. (2013). z Test for the significance of the mean of a stable probability distribution with 1<α≤2. Journal Of Applied Statistics40(3), 465-482.

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For each topic, list the general purpose statement, a specific purpose statement, the central idea, and a few potential points. Include a paragraph or two describing your thoughts on the usefulness of brainstorming and the ways you can improve its use in

Using the techniques you have learned for brainstorming, choose four different current event topics that you might want to cover in your presentation, the informative speech delivered in week 6. For each topic, list the general purpose statement, a specific purpose statement, the central idea, and a few potential points. Include a paragraph or two describing your thoughts on the usefulness of brainstorming and the ways you can improve its use in the future.


You must meet writing guidelines and use APA format.

^^^my professors email

Thank you!

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Ratio Analysis, writing homework help

Project #1 (Ratio Analysis)

1.Get the annual balance sheets and income statements for Dow Chemical Company and one other competitive company.   You may use each company’s homepage or internet finance related pages, such as, to get the data.

2.Construct the ratio table such as Table 4-7 on p.102.

(You may exclude the following ratios; Market value added, Market to book ratio, EVA, Payout ratio, and Sustainable growth.)

3.Unload your file to the Canvas with five worksheets of which each worksheet designates the ratio table, balance sheet and income statement of each company, respectively, (do not just list the link) by 11:00 am on Monday, October 24.

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Week 11-D2- Steven Westfall, writing homework help


I do not have very much budget education or experience on a professional level. This class was intimidating for me to tackle. But I have come out with a better understanding of the complexities that are involved in the public budget process. While there are many obstacles and limitations that public entities have to deal with in regards to budget and finance, there are also many strategies to handle them. I think one of my favorite readings over the term was the case study of Toronto. This resonated with me because it showed real life solutions to problems that many public organizations face: aging infrastructure, insufficient revenue growth, and decreasing funds and increasing future costs for employee benefits (Brittain, 2006). The City of Toronto was able to effectively deal with these obstacles by setting anticipated outcomes, identify and research problems, modeling a long-term financial forecast, develop options, and establish a process for resolving specific issues (Brittain, 2006). Through the planning process, they were able to provide opportunities for securing new sources of revenue that would grow over time, reform property tax, provide financial support for infrastructure and reserve funding, account for capital assets, and restrained discretionary spending (Brittain, 2006). The city was able to gain the support for its plan from city council members as it focused on both expenditure and revenue solutions. Carefully articulating the problems the city was facing and putting them into context, along with establishing a stronger strategic plan were things that helped the city be more successful in problem solving (Brittain, 2006). This kind of success story was motivating to me of the things that strategic financial planning and having a good basis in concepts of budgeting can do for an organization.

One way I want to effect positive social change is by trying to come up with solutions to problems. By being engaged in my community and future organization, I hope to be a positive asset. It seems in our society there are many who are willing to loudly express complaints and be generally unhappy with how things are carried out. I find people are less apt to come up with reasonable solutions to these problems. I am hoping that my time and education from Walden will leave me better equipped to understand the workings of the public sector enough to be able to come up with viable solutions that can be used in public organizations (given mandates, laws, regulations, and finances these organizations are required to abide by). I am seeing many examples of social change in our country, and I see that as a positive. I was recently reading about Rhode Island passing legislation to make community colleges free to its residents (following in the footsteps of New York, Oregon, and Tennessee), and this encourages me that people can make a difference in creating opportunities for all (Lobosco, 2017).


Brittain, L. (2006). City of Toronto’s long-term fiscal plan. Government Finance Review, 22(6), 18–24.

Lobosco, K. (2017). Rhode Island just made community college free. CNN. Retrieved from

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