
  1. Follow the steps below to complete the Health in the News assignment
  2. Locate a news article about a health concern in the United States. You may choose one of interest to you or visit HealthyPeople.gov for a list of current health topics.
  3. Using the ecological approach, identify the individual, family/social, community/population group, cultural/societal, and political/economic/structural factors that impact the health behaviors (150-250 words).
  4. Provide a link to the news article in your response. You may not choose obesity, youth violence or HIV/AIDS. Examples for these three health concerns are available in Chapter 2 of the course textbook.
  5. Examples of other health concerns:
  6. Cancer
  7. Heart Disease
  8. Stroke
  9. Oral Health
  10. Anxiety
  11. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  12. Physical Abuse
  13. Suicide
  14. Motor vehicle crashes
  15. Substance abuse
  16. Homicide
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