UC Irvine Media and Civic Engagement Questions

I have provided some resources on this topic (below), but I also would like for you to do some of your own online research, looking into the ways that social media has been a part of the Global Climate Strike movement (for voices both in favor of and against the movement). Please use these resources to answer the following questions.

  1. What forms of social media have been part of the Global Climate Strike movement, and how have they been used?
  2. Do you think that being part of online social media networks increases people’s exposure to diverse viewpoints in relation to climate change? Why or why not?
  3. Do you think young people develop useful skills by being part of online civic engagement, activism, and social protest movements? If so, what kinds of skills?
  4. If you answered “no” to question 3, please explain what sorts of skills you think are necessary for effective participation in a democracy and civil society and why these skills are different from the skills that people develop through online forms of activism.


Social Media: Driving or Diminishing Civic Engagement? (Links to an external site.)

Global Climate Strike (Links to an external site.)

Greta Thunberg addressing Congress


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