Our text suggest that the bureaucratic theory of organizational behavior

Question 1

  • Our text suggest that the bureaucratic theory of organizational behavior provides the most common model of managerial structure and most organizations are hierarchical using the span of control. Describe span of control and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of span of control. From your experience in EMS describe the optimal number that a manager should supervise.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

25 points

Question 2

  • The text suggested three major theories describe the attitudes and behavior of individuals toward subordinates within an organization. Describe each of these theories and demonstrate, using your life experiences, how you understand these theories.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

25 points

Question 3

  • According to your textbook, skill in management is an absolute requirement for success as an agency executive. Management, in one form or another, is practiced by most people in their jobs almost every day. Delineate some basic concepts of management, both in theory and in practice, through experiences in EMS or your related field.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

25 points

Question 4

  • Plans of action are devised to achieve goals that translate into reality by providing guidelines for the activities of the organization. Describe a plan of action that your organization initiated. Were the objectives of the initial plan met? Were budgets and other resources sufficient? Did members of the organization work smartly and together to implement plans, or were efforts fragmented, overlapping, counterproductive, or ineffective? Be sure to thoroughly explain your responses.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Bottom of Form

unit 2

Question 1

  • Responsibilities of board members can include hiring, evaluating, and if necessary, firing the health commissioner; overseeing fiscal and performance accountability; and establishing health policies. Even though some of these responsibilities relate to health departments, discuss how they relate to EMS agencies. Describe how EMS could be affected by the decisions of a board based on these responsibilities.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

25 points

Question 2

  • An important aspect of public health leadership is monitoring the activities of practitioners. These activities are guided by the three core functions and are intended to ensure that the efforts of practitioners improve the health of the public that they serve. Describe the three core functions and how each one makes the system effective.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

25 points

Question 3

  • Effective organizations tend to have boards that are active and attuned to the interests, concerns, and expectations of those that they serve. Discuss how organizational effectiveness includes the ability to develop and act on prioritized goals and to use all available resources.

    25 points

Question 4

  • According to the text, there appears to be substantial evidence that more effective boards are differentiated from less effective ones in six areas of competence. Choose three of the six areas of competence and analyze how each one applies to organizational effectiveness in governance.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Unit 3

Question 1

  • Intergroup conflict exists primarily between different interest groups within an organization such as management, employees, and other work groups. Describe how this conflict can affect communication between the different levels, and provide an example of how it could be applied in a leadership situation; if possible, use examples from your real-life experience.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 2

  • Our text states that cooperative training programs and collaboration between agencies have not been actively promoted over the last 50 years. Discuss why it is critical to share training programs and share employees to provide alternatives to jurisdictions that have limited resources.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

25 points

Question 3

  • NIMS and IEMS are related but different. Compare and contrast the differences between NIMS and IEMS.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 4

  • Informal groups exist in most organizations with each group having status and prestige. Some type of physical closeness and an opportunity to communicate exists before individuals will form mutually interacting groups. Do you agree with this? Why, or why not? Define and discuss informal groups in EMS.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

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