
Reply to this discussion… site sources if applicableStakeholders are important parts of a successful business or to create a successful project. Without stakeholders, there would be a lack of financial and practical support. Internal stakeholders are within a facility that provides interest in the company’s success and they work within the company to reach success. Internal stakeholders are a key component in implementing by providing their knowledge and leadership support for a proposed change (M.J, 2019). These stakeholders are vested and interested in their company or organization. The internal stakeholders are nurses, physicians, administrators and other health care providers. They commit their time and efforts to improve the company or organization. External stakeholders “include patients, suppliers and financial organizations including government, health care insurance providers among others” (M.J, 2019). The support of external stakeholders is important in having a successful organization. External stakeholders provide finances to support potential changes including structures, training and recruitment.Stakeholders are the answer to implementing change because without their support, there would be a lack of resources, skills and knowledge required for implementing a new process or change (M.J, 2019). I will secure support from external and internal stakeholders by creating awareness, building a trusting relationship and be clear about the goals of my project of workplace violence and advocating for the staff that has been harmed. By utilizing physicians, residents and emergency room health care staff and educating them on the facts and lack of resources, capturing their attention and gaining their interest. Gaining their interest and support can help me create a successful project that will help keep staff safe and unharmed.

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