
The ten strategic points are essential for guiding a research project that adds to the body of knowledge as determined from the gap in the literature, and can be completed in a reasonable amount of time. It keeps the focus of the research sharp, simple, and accurate. The template provided in the DC Network clearly explains the elements of what is expected in the ten strategic points, and the order in which the dissertation work is performed. After successful completion of the ten strategic points, the researcher has a definitive view of the study question and design (The Ten Strategic Points, 2015). The prospectus template is provided to guide the researcher in writing the prospectus, which is an expansion of the ten strategic points. The template gives a precise explanation of how long each section should be and exactly what should be included for each type of study methodology (The Dissertation Prospectus, 2014). The proposal template is for chapters one through three of the dissertation, and shows every element that is covered, and the length of each. The correct format of the proposal is also defined (The Proposal Template, 2015). The dissertation template also shows the exact format in which the dissertation should be written, including word counts, proper tense of writing, and line spacing. There is a section for the researcher to self-evaluate and for chair, methodologist, and content expert to score (The Dissertation Template, 2015). These documents will be used as a guide for each step of the dissertation process to ensure work is aligned with the expectations of the dissertation committee and performed in a timely manner. GCU provides all of the templates to ensure success of doctoral students.

Please provide a 250 word response to the above question. Please also use at least 1 peer reviewed article as a reference and please list reference in paper in APA 6th edition format.

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