ROJECT THREE: Primary Source Analysis – 25 points; due 09/17
Follow the instructions carefully. You are to answer some questions and write a three page essay.
- Read the instructions.
- Select ONE primary source from the reading for Weeks One through Four. Study it carefully. Read the relevant material in the classroom to learn the historical context.
- Answer these questions after you create a Word document and place your name, date, and course name on the first page. Label it: last name, PSA. Place it in your Assignment folder.
Answer these questions and write a three page essay. Use footnotes.
- Give the complete bibliographic citation for the primary source.
- Author of document:
- Name of document:
- Date of document:
- Type of document (private letter; official government document; court decision; other -be specific):
- Intended Audience for the document:
- Provide the historical context for the document or what happened at the time the document was written. Write in your own words. This is an essay. Use footnotes placed at the bottom of each page.
- Describe at least five key points the document conveys. Write in your own words. This is an essay. Use footnotes placed at the bottom of each page.
Primary Source Analysis Grading Rubric
The grading scale based upon 25 points is: A=25-23; B=22-20; C=19-18; D=17-15; F=14 or below.
To earn an A or 25-23 points:
All the questions are answered accurately and in full detail, with correct bibliographic and footnote documentation. The student understands well the historical background and explained it accurately. The student described at least five key components of the document with clarity and precision. Sentences are well constructed. Spelling and grammar are excellent.
To earn a B or 22-20 points:
Two-thirds of the questions are answered accurately and in full detail. The student understands the historical background, but missed a few key facts. The student explained five key components of the document, but some of the details are unclear. There are a few citation errors. For the most part, sentences are well constructed. There are a few spelling and grammatical errors.
To earn a C or 19-18 points:
One-half of the questions are answered accurately. The student did not fully understand the historical background and did not provide an accurate context for the document. The student only listed three or four key components of the document and seemed uncertain about the details. Footnote citations are missing or inaccurate. Sentences are often unclear. Grammar and spelling need improvement.
To earn a D or 17-15 points:
One-quarter of the questions are answered but there are factual errors. The student does not understand the historical background and listed only a few key components with uncertainty. Footnote citations are missing or inaccurate. There are numerous errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.
To earn an F or 14 points or below:
Less than one-quarter of the questions are answered. Numerous factual errors appear in the historical context. The student neglected to add any key components. Proper footnotes do not appear. There are considerable errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling. Or, the student did not complete the assignment.
No late papers will be accepted unless there is an extreme emergency and proper documentation is provided.