11 QUESTION Place the following stimuli in increasing order (from least 1 to greatest 5) in terms of the “just noticeable difference” concept.
an orchestra’s music |
an explosion from a bomb |
a wind chime |
a cat purring |
a person speaking in normal tone |
10 QUESTION Match each step in the scientific method with the correct example.
Sam compares the differences in his test scores for the two study methods ( studying alone vs studying in a group) by using his original prediction that group study practice would be more effective than independent study. |
Sam places his test scores into two categories – one for group studying, and one for independent studying – and finds the mean (average) score for both groups. He then reviews these mean scores to see which is higher, and by how much. |
Sam predicts that studying with a group of fellow students will lead to higher test scores than his studying alone. |
Sam reviews the current literature and takes notes regarding the differences between group and individual study methods in terms of effectiveness on grades. |
Sam develops a plan to prepare for taking three different exams by working with a group of fellow students, and then he prepares for three other exams by himself. For each test, he then records his test scores. |
Sam notices that when he studies in a group, he remembers the material better than when he studies alone. |
9 QUESTION Match the behavior with the major region of the brain that is most likely involved
an individual reviews all information and decides which colleges to apply at |
an individual bites his nails, even though his mom keeps telling him not to |
a child imagines that she is a physician or a lawyer |
an individual is so accustomed to her morning routine, that she does many actions automatically without thinking about it |
an individual pretends that she is elsewhere during a boring class |
an individual is confronted by a burglar with a knife, and must prepare to either stay and fight, or run away |
an individual watches a sad movie, and in response feels sad |
an individual has trouble with motor coordination and balance due to injury to this area |
an individual remembers how to solve a math problem |
8 QUESTION Match the sleep disorder with the correct example
an individual falls asleep, but wakes up three hours later and is unable to fall back to sleep |
an individual has just awoke, but is unable to physically move right away |
an individual experiences irregular or interrupted breathing periodically while sleeping |
an individual is in the third stage of sleep, gets up and goes downstairs, but has not recall the next day |
7 QUESTION Match the type of processing with the correct example.
an individual experiences stimuli confusion, in which she claims she can hear the color green |
an individual has developed a belief that depression causes stress, and uses that belief to interpret his behavior in specific situations |
an individual learns about each step of classical conditioning in order to understand how it occurs |
an individual talks on the phone while cooking dinner and listening to the news channel |
6 QUESTION Match each example with the corresponding stage of sleep
an individual is watching TV and gradually begins to doze off, but can be easily awakened |
an individual is asleep and is very difficult to wake up, even when shook or loudly spoken to |
an individual’s is asleep and his body temperature decreases, along with brain activity, and his muscles relax |
an individual is experiencing vivid imagery, along with an elevated heart rate and blood pressure |
Question text
5 QUESTION A science is defined by Label the following statements as either (a) placebo effect, (b) nocebo effect, or (c) positive response to experiment method
An individual is taking part in a new sleep medication study. During the study, she is not given the actual drug being tested, and reports having increased difficulty with sleeping as compared to before starting the study. |
An individual participates in a study of a new migraine medication. She is unknowingly assigned to the control group that does not receive the actual drug, and the person experiences fewer migraines. |
An individual who participates in a study regarding the effectiveness of a new memory recall method. During the study, she is assigned to the group that is instructed to use a method that is not the one being tested, and reports improved memory. |
An individual participates in a study regarding effectiveness of a specific individual psychotherapy approach and receives weekly sessions for 12 weeks. She is assigned to the group that receives the therapy method being studied and reports improvement during 12 weeks of treatment and continued improvement in a 9 month follow-up. |
4 QUESTION Assign the correct research method to the example:
A researcher watches and records the social behavior of individuals during a major holiday sale at the mall |
Three individuals who have been diagnosed with a rare disorder are studied in detail, and the researcher makes comparisons between them to better understand the disorder |
A researcher records the number of students who receive a passing grade in a new course, and compares it to the number of students who receive a passing grade in the previous version of the course |
A questionnaire is given to a sample of high school students from across the county and the responses are tallied and compared. |
A sample of individuals is divided into two groups, one of which receives an antidepressant that is being studied, and the other that receives a sugar pill |
3 QUESTION Match the type of drug with the correct example
an individual falls and badly injures a leg and does not seem to be aware of the pain from the injury |
an individual’s perception of others and the environment is distorted, as if everything becomes wavy |
an individual becomes hyper-excited, but then when the drug wears off becomes exhausted and even becoming depressed |
an individual shows decreased reaction time and is less responsive to stimuli |
2 QUESTIONS Match the neurotransmitter to the correct effect is helps produce.
increases motivation, interests, and drive, produces feelings of euphoria |
supports concentration and the fight/flight response |
necessary for learning and memory, serves to activates the brain |
activates muscle contraction and movement |
helps control sleep patterns, mood,and aggression |
helps to mitigate pain sensations and sometimes euphoria after intense exercise |
slows the central nervous system and helps reduce anxiety and stress |
1 QUESTION Match each example to the correct principle of scientific thinking.
Individuals who experience excessive stress as children tend to develop depression during adolescence, however this does not mean that depression is a direct result of stress. |
A theory asserts that depression and stress, when both are present at the same time, have a reciprocal relationship in which both amplify each other. Assume this is considered a “good theory” because it can be disproven through testing of hypotheses. |
A friend witnesses a performer who claims to be a psychic and who can make predictions. During the performance, your friend insists that the ‘psychic’s’ ability to identify specific information about her could only be explained by telepathy or some form of ESP. You insist there are more logical and obvious explanations. |
A study finds that graduate students prefer online courses to traditional courses, and three other studies by other researchers produces similar findings with a sample of graduate students from another school. |
It is assumed that identical twins will tend to develop very similar personalities because they have the same DNA, suggesting that personality traits are inherited. At the same time, identical twins are usually raised in the same household, which could suggest that the development of personality is also due to environmental factors. |
Supporters of psychics claim that because a person can make an accurate prediction, this individual is able to predict any future event and there is no other way to explain the accurate prediction. However, it would best to first consider the possibility that the “psychic” just had a lucky guess, or had prior knowledge of the given situation that allowed an accurate prediction to be made. |