
Financial Reports

Even though you are working on Capsim individually, you can coordinate within your team to improve understanding of the system; in particular, how to interpret Capsim financial reports, and improve your individual performance. Learn from each other. In that spirit, discuss in your team how to read the Capsim reports, find specific metrics (ratios or measurements), to ascertain how to improve performance.

Therefore, imagine you are a product manager within your Capsim company. For the end of the year (end of this round), create a PRODUCT PERFORMANCE REPORT. (How would you report how each of your products are performing, to upper level management?) This report must show the most pertinent information in the most concise manner. Both form and substance are critical. What will this report show (what metrics and financial ratios will you include)? (The Capsim reports lecture in MediaSite will be particularly helpful). Decide what metrics to use, and be consistent between products. I only require the ratios, not necessarily the actual numbers, because of course your numbers will be different between individuals. The total report (with all products) should be about 2 pages.

For the second post, consider that you are a functional area manager for your Capsim company. For the end of the year (end of the round), create a FUNCTIONAL AREA PERFORMANCE REPORT. (How would you report how each functional area is performing?) This report must show the most pertinent information in the most concise manner. Both form and substance are critical. What will this report show (what metrics and financial ratios will you include)? (The Capsim reports lecture in MediaSite will be particularly helpful). Decide what metrics to use, showing all the functions’ performance. Just the metrics; not the actual numbers. The total report (with all functions) should be about 2 pages.

See if you can come to a single answer (report) within your team. But if you cannot, I have no problem with your team submitting several answers (by individuals) within your team report.

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