Donald Trump and the Challenge to the Post-World War II

Tip on writing the short papers: When writing on a reading, use the other assigned readings to help you make your point. A presentation of opposing points of view and making a comparison of two works can lead you to good paper topics. In short, students are encouraged to com­pare and con­trast different authors’ ideas, even as the main focus is on a single reading. Papers may comment on how the author uses words, the construc­tion of the argument, types of evidence, methods, etc. What the paper should NOT do is write about the topic of the reading; rather it should write on how the author treats or approaches his or her topic.

(Donald Trump and the Challenge to the Post-World War II International Order; Understanding the Post-World War II International Order; The

Destruction of the 19th Century World Order; The Long Crisis: 1914-1945—World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II; Plans and Hopes for a New Post World War II Order Emerge)

Dan Riehl, “Gorka Previews Trump’s First International Trip: America’s Back, ‘No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy,’” Breitbart, May 15, 2017 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Ian Baruma, “The End of the Anglo-American Order,” New York Times Magazine, December 4, 2016

The above two webs are readings. 2 pages required. 12 point New Times Roman type, one-inch margins

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