Donald Trump and the Challenge to the Post-World War II
Tip on writing the short papers: When writing on a reading, use the other assigned readings to help you make your point. A presentation of opposing points of view and making a comparison of two works can lead you to good paper topics. In short, students are encouraged to compare and contrast different authors’ ideas, even as the main focus is on a single reading. Papers may comment on how the author uses words, the construction of the argument, types of evidence, methods, etc. What the paper should NOT do is write about the topic of the reading; rather it should write on how the author treats or approaches his or her topic.
(Donald Trump and the Challenge to the Post-World War II International Order; Understanding the Post-World War II International Order; The
Destruction of the 19th Century World Order; The Long Crisis: 1914-1945—World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II; Plans and Hopes for a New Post World War II Order Emerge)
Dan Riehl, “Gorka Previews Trump’s First International Trip: America’s Back, ‘No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy,’” Breitbart, May 15, 2017 (Links to an external site.)
Ian Baruma, “The End of the Anglo-American Order,” New York Times Magazine, December 4, 2016
The above two webs are readings. 2 pages required. 12 point New Times Roman type, one-inch margins