
1. Language and bilingualism is an issue for Latino communities and writers in the United States; debates rage about value of voice and the legal status of languages. Bilingualism is treated in a vary funny way by the fallowing writer.

2. A number of Latinos writers deal with images of Latinos/as to analyze and explore the role of stereotypes. We can find examples in the reading.

3. Nuyorican poetic discourse is based on

4. When a Latino poem contains keyboards in Spanish that functions as indices of specific Latino realities or cultural traditions such as barrio, Miami, Borinkena, for example, the poem

5. When a Latino poem constantly switches between languages in order to relate to his or her bilingual constituency of readers, as some kind o secret code for those communally initiated, so the poem.

6. the term Nuyorican was born

7. Exile, immigration, and the crossing of boundaries are experiences that can therefore provide us with new narrative form or…with the other ways of telling. use and explain two examples from our readings to support this statement.

8. How do you personally think people of mixed origins, billingual, bicultural people can use their mixed cultural identity to their advantage? what are the disadvantages, if any of this bicultural or muticultural heritage? make a list for advantages and another dor disadvantages.

9. Considering the different readings, you have studied during this course, what was your favorite story and why?

10. Considering the different readings, you have studied during this course, what was your favorite author and why?

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