6 pages essay

6 page

Please answer one of the following questions:

1. Explain the four “R”’s of neo-Confucian Renovation. (Sources: Yao, lectures)

2. Explain six core Confucian (East Asian) concepts. (Source: lectures)

3. Explain the what, why, and how of proper order. (Source: lectures)

4. Explain the puzzle of Confucianism. (Sources: lectures, Yao, de Bary vol. 1)

5. Explain elite regulation. (Source: lectures)

*You must use the sources in parentheses. You can also use other sources if they are relevant. Please include in-text citations and work cited page at the end of the paper

*Do not copy, imitate, or paraphrase others work, Plagiarism will not be tolerated

*On time

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